Fast forward 13 days and what if Jim Pillen, Gov. Pete Ricketts' choice for governor, does not win the May 10th GOP primary. What does Ricketts do? 

Well, in an exclusive interview with News Channel Nebraska, Ricketts says if State Sen. Brett Lindstrom wins, Lindstrom would have Ricketts support.

But in the aftermath of sexual assault accusations against Charles Herbster, Ricketts is far less direct when asked if he will support Herbster should he win.

[View our exclusive interview above]

NCN’s Joe Jordan: If Charles Herbster wins the primary can you support him?

Gov. Ricketts: Well, we'll see what he does about these allegations of sexual misconduct.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: But that could be months down the road. On May 11th if he comes out of the primary the lead Republican, and gets the nomination, will you support him?

Gov. Ricketts: We’ll have to see how he handles these allegations of sexual misconduct.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: Can you define what that means?

Gov. Ricketts: We’ll have to see how he responds to these accusations and see what he does about it.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: So, if he doesn't do anymore than he's doing now you wouldn't support him?

Gov. Ricketts: We’ll see how he handles this stuff, so we'll see how he handles these allegations.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: If he acknowledged them, I'm guessing you couldn't support him.

Gov. Pete Ricketts: I am not the one who's being accused of the sexual misconduct. This is Charles Herbster who is being accused by eight women that he did this. He needs to handle this. He needs to resolve this.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: But you've already said to resolve it he needs to get out of the race.

Gov. Ricketts: Well, one of the things I started with is he should apologize to the women for the things he's done.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: Right, but the other thing you said was he should drop out of the race.

Gov. Ricketts: I also think he needs to drop out the race and seek treatment.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: So, if he wins the primary do you still want him to drop out of the race?

Gov. Ricketts: I’ve made very clear what I said here, Joe. I think that he should seek treatment, he should apologize, he should drop out of the race, and these are all things that have to do with his allegations of sexual misconduct.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: What if State Sen. Lindstrom wins the primary? Could you support him?

Gov. Ricketts: Well, obviously I'm supporting Jim Pillen. I think Brett Lindstrom has a voting record that is very liberal. But if Brett’s the nominee, then I would support Brett.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: So, you would support Lindstrom but you’re not ready to commit to supporting Mr. Herbster.

Gov. Ricketts: I want to see how Charles Herbster, what he does about these allegations of sexual misconduct.