There’s a push to lower gas prices in the works.

And it might surprise you to find out that several key Nebraska Republicans don’t like it.


In a controversial election year move to cut prices at the pump, the Biden Administration is releasing one million barrels of gasoline from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

And while higher summertime demand and the switchover to higher-priced warm weather blends usually send prices upward, so far so good.

Aixa Diaz, AAA Spokesperson: "Gas prices have been ticking down in recent days and they really remained steady over the past month or so. So, we haven't seen any spikes in gas prices.”

Both Sen. Pete Ricketts and Congressman Adrian Smith insist the President’s energy policies are putting the country at risk.

Rep. Adrian Smith, Nebraska (R): "It seems obvious to say, but the Strategic Petroleum Reserve cannot be tapped without putting taxpayers on the hook to refill it. Instead of borrowing from tomorrow to save his own hide today, President Biden should admit his energy policy is harming the American people and end his administration's ongoing war on American energy."

Sen. Pete Ricketts, Nebraska (R): “The Strategic Petroleum Reserve should be used for real emergencies, not political emergencies caused by President Biden’s war on American energy. The president’s abuse of this oil reserve – to shore up his failing poll numbers – has made us less safe and more reliant on our adversaries. We must embrace an all of the above energy strategy to restore energy independence.”

The Biden Administration says the fuel increase is "strategic" and will take place between Memorial Day and July 4th.