New group forms for statewide prevention of abortion bans
OMAHA, Neb. -- A group of abortion rights activists gathered in Omaha, Hastings, Kearney and Lincoln Wednesday evening for what they call a new weekly vigil.
The new organization is called No Forced Birth NE. Co-organizer Cindy Copich noted they want to mobilize political action to prevent abortion bans in Nebraska.
The organizers plan to continue these gatherings every Wednesday until they feel their voice is heard. They're also looking for women to testify if a special session is called for an abortion ban in Neb., and for the future.
"We're getting people organized through January for the hearings they'll have in the legislature," Copich said.
One mother from south of Blair said she was eager to promote a world where her daughter has the same rights she did to choose motherhood.
"I am a mother and I am a mother by choice, and I've met many people, especially young girls, who did have a child at an age like 13 or 14 when they were not prepared," Krista Anderson said. "A right has been taken away from us and I find that unfathomable."
Younger activists showed up too. One activist from UNL said she wishes Nebraskans understood that abortions are what she believes can be a medical necessity -- rather than simply unwanted children.
"I'm passionate about this issue because it pertains to everybody," said Zoe, who preferred to keep her last name private.
While these vigils will now repeat weekly, the organization is offering other ways to get involved on its website.
"It is a hard effort for the more rural communities [...] so we're trying to give them a community to connect to," Copich said.