State hearing on abortion ban this week
Governor has indicated his support for a six-week ban
Monday, January 30th 2023, 5:37 AM CST

The battle over plans to ban abortions in Nebraska after six weeks, is expected to intensify at the State Capitol this week.
A public hearing on the bill (LB626) is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30.
Opponents of the ban, including the ACLU of Nebraska, are urging fellow opponents to testify in person before the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee.
Earlier this month lawmakers pushing the ban announced the Nebraska Heartbeat Act, which prohibits abortions after a heartbeat is detected.
Twenty-nine state senators have signed on to the heartbeat bill.
It’s likely that 33 votes will be needed to stop a filibuster, allowing passage of the bill.
Gov. Jim Pillen has indicated he would sign the measure.