A move to all but end voting by mail in Nebraska is getting some immediate push-back.

According to a bill by State Sen. Steve Erdman, a Republican from Bayard, voting would only be allowed in person, except for folks who are disabled or in the military.

Erdman’s bill piggybacks a recent voter-approved change to the Nebraska Constitution which mandates voters to present an approved photographic identification.

Critics argue that mail in balloting is secure and ending it would make it harder for many to vote.

Voter ID proponents have a plan for knowing who’s getting a mail-in ballot. The latest proposal, paid for by the state, would find voters having a notary verify their signature.

Now that the voters have approved Voter ID, it’s up to the Legislature to put the necessary rules in place before the next statewide election, which is scheduled for May, 2024.

[View Joe Jordan's interview with Secretary of State Bob Evnen above]