Thank-yous are pouring in from top elected officials in one of the state's largest school districts, following voters’ big “yes” to an economic shot in the arm.

With the levy override election passing by a landslide, Millard School Board President Amanda McGill, says the district remains able to provide an education that is “second to none.”

Sixty percent voted for the override; 40 percent voted against it, as officials asked voters to extend the 2018 levy override for another five years.

The vote-only-by mail election started February 21, with about 40 percent of the district’s eligible voters submitting ballots.

With three high schools, six middle schools, and 25 elementary schools benefitting, voters were told the cost to the owner of a $300,000 home would be less than $10 a month. 
The money going to day-to-day operating costs such as salaries, benefits, books, and basketballs. 

Without the increase officials were predicting serious fallout, including unnamed cuts.