Is the so-called ‘good-guy with a gun’ theory, fact or fiction?

That question taking on new importance in Nebraska as the state this week ushered in a new make-it-easier-to-carry-a-gun law.

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The law making it easier to hide a gun, so-called “Constitutional Carry,” is now on the books across Nebraska, including Omaha where police fought against it.

Police Chief Todd Schmaderer, Omaha: “There is no way to prevent the carrying of an assault weapon. So, you can walk around a populated city, outdoor venues of the College World Series, concerts, police crime scenes, places of protests. You get the picture. There is nothing we could do about it at that point in time.”

State Sen Tom Brewer: When states possess “Constitutional Carry” you’re not seeing an increase of murders with handguns. Again, and again opponents have given the perception that this would become the wild, wild west. That was what they said, none of that came about.

One argument favoring concealed carry laws, is the “good guy with a gun.”

Exhibit A, at the moment: A Houston, Texas restaurant in January.

A masked man with a gun is demanding money and wallets from customers.

But heading out the door a customer pulls his gun, fires numerous shots and kills the man, a convicted felon out on parole since 2021.

All this giving the hidden gun group some muscle, muscle that certain data disputes.

According to one lengthy study (Texas State University), there were 433 active shooter attacks in the U.S. between 2000 and 2021.

Of those 433 attacks, 184 ended after police arrived.

The other 249 ended before police arrived: 113 shooters left the scene, 72 killed themselves, 42 were subdued without a gun, 22 with a gun.

And of those 22, 7 were security guards, 3 were off-duty police officers, and 12 were citizens—those good guys with guns.

Those 12 making up well less than 1 percent of those 433 cases.

Joe Jordan, NCN: " Do you buy the good guy with the gun theory?"

Chief Schmaderer: I suppose there's some truth to it but there there's a tipping point, too.

Jordan, NCN: "When officers show up at a scene and there is the "good guy" with the gun how do you know who the good guy is?"

Chief Schmaderer: "Well you don't always and obviously our approach to policing has to change because of that as well the probable cause standards are going to change. It used to be if you could address probable cause that somebody might have a gun you could make a stop and you could do a frisk and check for public safety needs with the onus that it's legal to have again you kind of lose that element of probable cause, so it alters our policing approach as well."