Nebraska Sen. Pete Ricketts wants more time to cross the I’s and dot the T’s, of a possible Biden-GOP border deal.

That while reports are surfacing that former President Trump is urging Republicans to say no to the deal.

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Sen. Pete Ricketts, Nebraska (R): “Joe Biden has created this crisis. If he will not act, Congress must act.”

Sen. Pete Ricketts has talked of a border fix for months, but with a deal with the White House now in the works he’s demanding 72 hours to review any spending/border deal before a vote. It’s spelled out in a letter to Majority Leader Democrat Chuck Schumer, signed by 9 other GOP Senators.

Ricketts' move coming as reports surface that former President Donald Trump is telling Republicans to oppose the deal so he can continue to campaign on the issue.

Former President Donald Trump: "We're going to stop cold the invasion on our border. That's an invasion on our southern border."

And some Senate Republicans are furious.

Sen. Todd Young, Indiana (R): “Anything that interrupts that negotiation, I think would be tragic.”

Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah (R):  "I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and Congress people that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem, because he wants to blame Biden for it, is really appalling."

Meanwhile, the Ricketts letter also demands an “all-Senators meeting” with administration officials to go over the deal, a deal that is clearly in jeopardy.