It appears Gov. Jim Pillen is still short of the votes needed to change the way Nebraska doles out its presidential votes in the Electoral College, and it also appears he knows it.

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A week’s worth of winner-take-all here in Nebraska, with a national audience watching, ends right where it started, plenty of noise but no action, not yet.

As we reported, some were in line 2-hours early, rally organizers estimating upwards of 600 conservatives on hand, told that this year’s race for the White House is going to be close, possibly boiling down to one of Nebraska’s five electoral votes.

Right now, Nebraska’s five electoral votes are divided up, two statewide, and one for each Congressional district. A Joe Biden win in Omaha’s 2nd Congressional District would hand Biden that one electoral vote, as it did in 2020.

But going to winner take all, would all but guarantee a Donald Trump clean sweep of Nebraska’s five electoral votes.

Gov. Jim Pillen, Nebraska (R): “That was a mistake made 30 years ago, 30 years ago in this state. You’re not going to solve it in 30 minutes.”

The governor being pushed hard to call a special session of the Legislature.

Clay Travis/Buck Sexton Radio Show: “Nebraska, the fate of the nation and whether we get four more years of Joe Biden could come down to you guys…can you imagine.”

Thirty-three 33 votes a must to pave the way for change.

Gov. Pillen: “When I’m confident we have 33 votes I’ll get it fixed.”

Nebraska Democrats of course pushing to keep the vote as is, any change this close to the November election likely to wind up in court.