Pillen defends tax plan: 'It's not a billion-dollar tax increase'
During a Wednesday stop in Omaha, Gov. Jim Pillen, all but guaranteed that his tax talk special session of the Legislature is a go.
Joe Jordan, NCN: “You know there’s been lots of questions and criticisms about your plans. Are you still set on the July 25th date, or could that change?”
Gov. Jim Pillen, Nebraska (R): “We’re having a special session and it’s going to take place and most likely its going to start on July 25th, yes.”
It appears for now that Pillen’s plan to cut property taxes will be paid for by ending billions of dollars in sales tax exemptions.
According to a recent statement from Pillen, “We can solve this problem with a broad tax base and low tax rate.”
But the criticism is rolling in.
And the opposition is coming from both sides of the aisle.
Democrat Machaela Cavanaugh tweeting, “Please give us a plan that doesn't increase taxes on working families.”
Republican Julie Slama says she's, “Unapologetically a fiscal conservative. That’s why I oppose Pillen’ s plan to raise taxes on middle class Nebraskans without real state spending cuts.”
There are 49 state senators and Pillen needing 33 votes to win, can only lose 16 votes.
According to various news reports and social media posts at least—at least—14 state lawmakers have already publicly criticized or questioned Pillen’s plan and many Democrats have yet to weigh in.
Pillen has held town hall after town hall, 26 according to his office, pushing a massive tax change.
State Sen. Megan Hunt (I) noting none of the get togethers were held in Omaha or Lincoln, the state’s two largest cities.
Jordan: “Governor, none of your town halls were in Omaha or Lincoln, did you not want to hear from the folks here.”
Gov. Pillen: “I think I spend 65-70 percent of my time in Lincoln and Omaha. I’m with business leaders in Omaha and Lincoln non-stop.”
Jordan: “Will you try to cut the state sales tax?”
Gov. Pillen: “I think one key important component is making sure we have property tax reform.”
The Governor never said yes or no, which led to this.
Jordan: “Are you going to raise the state sales tax?”
Gov. Pillen: “No. This plan is a tax decrease. It’s not a billion-dollar tax increase that some are trying to claim.”
Pillen adding that economists will be backing him up.
Still his critics argue that his plan looks like a tax shift and not a tax cut.