As he campaigns for governor Republican Charles Herbster has made one thing crystal clear: Former President Donald Trump chose him over everyone else in the race.

Herbster telling News Channel Nebraska last October: “There's been a lot of pressure in the state of Nebraska for (Trump) not to get involved in the governor's race, a tremendous amount of pressure, monetarily and otherwise. I know it was a big decision for him to do this.”

But when it comes to the details of that big decision, well judge for yourself. Herbster was questioned by News Channel Nebraska today.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: When you got the endorsement from President Trump, former President Trump, you said that there were monetary pressures in the state of Nebraska for him not to endorse you.

What specifically were you referring to, what monetary pressures?

Charles Herbster: Well, there are all types of rumors. I heard the same rumors you heard, that’s all I can tell you.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: But you said there were monetary pressures.

Charles Herbster: But here's what I can share with you. There's one thing I found out in the last year in running for office. There’s more rumors than there are facts. I can assure you. Yes, I've heard the same thing you’ve heard. I was asked about it on the radio and I don't have anything specific, but I've heard that and I've been told that and whether that's true or not, I think here's the most important point: The one thing I'll share with you about Donald J Trump is there's no amount of pressure, there's no amount of money, there's no amount of influence that will ever cause him not to make the right choice, not to make the right decision.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: I understand you're talking about rumors sir, but you said, you said there were monetary pressures put on former President Trump.

Charles Herbster:  I heard the same thing you heard.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: You said it.

At this point, Herbster jumped to another question leaving possible answers regarding those monetary pressures that he first brought up last year, for another day.