News Channel Nebraska has learned that Charles Herbster, one of the frontrunners in the GOP race for governor, and former Gov. Dave Heineman don’t see eye to eye on potentially significant meetings—meetings that did or did not occur—involving State Sen. Julie Slama.

[View both Herbster's and Heineman's comments above]

Slama is one of seven women, and the only one whose name has been made public, accusing Herbster of sexual assault.

Slama says Herbster put his hand up her dress during a Republican Party gathering in early 2019.

Herbster adamantly denies all such accusations and during a Zoom call with reporters on Wednesday, added to his claim that Slama was not the least upset with him.

According to Herbster, he had meetings with Slama—requested by her—later in 2019 when she was running for the Legislature against fellow Republican Janet Palmtag.

Herbster: “I certainly didn’t know there was a problem with Julie Slama. We attended events together. She requested, in 2019, meetings here in my condo in Omaha, Nebraska. And we actually did meet. She was campaigning. I had Gov. Dave Heineman here, former Gov. Heineman, who was on my board of directors for five years.”

But Heineman, who doesn't say there wasn't a meeting, tells News Channel Nebraska he wasn't there.

Heineman: “I did not attend any meeting involving Senator Slama and Charles W. Herbster. And the reason I didn’t is I was supporting Janet Palmtag. And so, I did not attend any of those meetings.”

In addition, another individual Herbster names at being at the Slama meetings, neither confirms nor denies Herbster’s story.

Carlos Castillo, who worked for both Heineman and Herbster tells NCN, “I haven't worked for Charles for nearly two years.  I have not talked to him since leaving and I am in no way affiliated with his campaign.  I could have attended the 2019 meeting you referenced, but I don't have any recollection one way or another.”

Slama has not responded to our requests for comment.