A smash and grab gun robbery in Omaha appears to involve far more weapons than an earlier burglary at the same store.

Police have just released security camera video from Frontier Justice, a federally licensed firearm dealer near 84th and Center, now the scene of two break-ins, the latest on August 7th, following one in June.

The latest video, from two separate cameras, which we’ve put side-by-side above, finds some 30 guns and at least one long rifle taken in less than a minute.

Police are asking for the public’s health in identifying the two thieves.

In June, five suspects, took what appeared to be 8 handguns and three rifles before taking off in a light-colored Ford F-150 pick-up.

Police have not said how the latest pair got away.

According to federal law enforcement, which is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those involved in the June case, the stolen guns will likely be used in future crimes if they are not recovered soon.

If you’ve got information, you’re asked to call 1-800-ATF-GUNS or email [email protected].

You can also call Crimestoppers at 402-444-STOP.