While GOP Congressman Don Bacon is blasting his Democrat rival Tony Vargas, accusing Vargas of ducking some debates, Bacon shies away from criticizing fellow Republican Jim Pillen, who won't debate anyone. 

NCN spoke with Bacon about this debate-debate in late August.   

Joe Jordan, News Channel Nebraska: You're a leader in your party in the state of Nebraska. Should Jim Pillen be debating?  

Rep. Don Bacon, NE-2 (R): I believe in doing debates myself, I'm not going to tell Jim Pillen what to do. He did those 500 events during the primary, won his primary. I can only speak for myself. I know in my race the debates are going to help me. 

Jordan: Do you think Jim Pillen thinks debates will hurt him? 

Bacon: I don't know. 

Vargas and Bacon are scheduled to debate twice, later this month. 

As for Pillen, along with refusing to debate, he's also limited his interviews with news organizations. 

His campaign recently told News Channel Nebraska that Pillen has a quote "dynamic schedule "and, for now, is unavailable to talk with NCN.