One of Omaha’ oldest and at times dangerous public housing projects is closer to the bulldozer.

Southside Terrace, built in 1940, located near 30th and “Q” streets in South Omaha, is currently home to 358 apartments but will be replaced with 746 “new affordable and market-rate units,” according to the city.

Councilman Ron Hug, District 4, (D): “This event, the construction of this project and all the hard work you’ve gone into, is going to be a monumental shift in how the rest of the city looks at South Omaha and how South Omaha will look in the future.”

The project, which finds the city, the Omaha Housing Authority working with several private partners, is funded through a $50 million federal grant which will also provide a facelift to the nearby Indian Hills neighborhood.

The initial demolition is scheduled for later this year, with construction on the first new housing units coming after the first of the year.

Anyone being relocated will have those moving costs paid for through the grant.