Only one of Nebraska’s five Republicans on Capitol Hill is facing a serious challenge in the May Primary, and that contest finds Ukraine front and center.

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As the war in Ukraine enters year number three, and Ukraine looks for U.S. help...

Joe Jordan, NCN: “There’s a real divide in the Republican Party over Ukraine.”

That divide highlighted in the GOP race for Congress between incumbent Don Bacon and Dan Frei, Frei running again after losing a closer-than-many-expected primary 10 years ago to then Congressman Lee Terry.

Joe Jordan, NCN: “You're opposed to funding for Ukraine?”

Dan Frei, Candidate for Congress (R): “At this point in time until I see a better reason to fund Ukraine, or until I see a significant reason that we should be more interested in defending Ukraine borders than our own, absolutely shut it down.”

Rep. Don Bacon, Nebraska (R): “I think it's in our national security interest that Ukraine remain independent. You can't turn a blind eye when Russia invades a neighbor and it's bombing cities. I mean we’ve got to stand up against that. And I think we learned that in 1939, right. You can't ignore a tyrant.”

Jordan: “The argument for funding Ukraine is Russia knocks off Ukraine then they go onto Poland or wherever else is next.”

Frei: “Right now what's happening to this nation with our borders being overrun, we are being weakened from the inside out. This world is a safer better place when America is strong and free.”

Jordan: “Do you believe if Russia takes over Ukraine, Poland or something else, someone else in NATO is next?”

Rep. Bacon: “I'm worried about the Baltics. I mean you got Putin threatening the Estonia Prime Minister this past week, right. He's called them renegade states. Is he going to invade or not, who knows what's in his mind. But the fact is he’s called them renegade states, that implies he thinks they belong to Russia, they're renegades. He’s also been pretty clear about wanting to capture the area just west of Ukraine called Moldavia. So, I don't think Ukraine is the end of it. By the way China is watching.” 

Jordan: “You don't worry about a bigger stronger more aggressive Russia?”

Frei: “I worry more about what's happening internally and within the borders of our own country.”

Bacon and Frei square off in the May 14th Primary.