With Roe v Wade now off the books, Nebraskans are playing wait and see on two major developments in the battle over abortion and reproductive rights.

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A year ago, the abortion battle in Nebraska was in the Legislature.

Now, for the most part it’s in the courts and on street corners, as a petition drive is underway that would make abortion far easier.

First: the courts.

The Nebraska Supreme Court is currently deciding if Nebraska’s 12-week abortion ban will stand.

Here’s the tricky part and it’s got nothing to do with being pro-choice or pro-life.

The Legislature put the 12-week ban in place by tying it to a bill all but banning sex changes by transgender minors.

The new law known in Lincoln as LB 574 is up in the air because opponents say it violates Nebraska’s one subject rule, take a look at the court fight. 

Matt Segal, ACLU NE: “The core question in this case is whether LB 574, which started as a restriction on gender affirming care and came to include an abortion ban, violates a constitutional provision that plainly says no bill shall contain more than one subject.

Justice Jonathon Papik: “Couldn't a bill pertain to one subject and be motivated by different purposes?”

Segal: “Not consistent with the Constitution your honor.

Eric Hamilton, Ass’t Attorney General: “LB 574 is consistent with the legislative single subject rule,

Chief Justice Mike Heavican: “Haven’t we said somewhere that the legislature shouldn't make the subject too broad less you can put anything in that, building nothing left to the constitutional prohibition.”

Hamilton: “Actually your honor there's case law saying the opposite.”

The Supreme Court decision could come any day or my likely some months from now. If the Court shoots down the new 12-week abortion ban, the ban will most likely go back to 20 weeks.

In the meantime, that statewide petition drive if OK’d by voters this November would make abortion in Nebraska legal up 25 or 26 weeks of pregnancy.