Before they had a chance to fall-in, Nebraska Democrats and Independent Senate candidate Dan Osborn are falling-out.

At the same time Osborn says he doesn’t know who he’s voting for, for President.


“Well, welcome to my humble abode, my garage.”

That’s right Senate hopeful Dan Osborn is talking to reporters from inside his suburban Omaha garage, insisting his Independent race against Republican Sen. Deb Fischer is no longshot because one poll says so, and adding he’s raised over a million dollars.

Dan Osborn, Senate Candidate (I): “When I first started this campaign no one believed in me, a couple people did…but now this campaign, we’ve got momentum.”

He’s also got the Nebraska Democratic Party furious.

Jane Kleeb, NE Democratic Party, (October, 2023): “The only way that we're going to win statewide is with Independents and Democrats coming together, as chair I know that.”

That was Jane Kleeb the head of the Nebraska Democratic Party last October, confirming in an exclusive interview with News Channel Nebraska that Dan Osborn was likely to get their support.

Joe Jordan, NCN: “So, it's a possibility that that the candidate running against Deb Fisher won't be a Democrat it might be an Independent and the Democratic Party would be behind Osborne.?”

Jane Kleeb: “There's a possibility that we will support Dan as an Independent as a party.”

But today all that changed.

Osborn: “ I will not be accepting the endorsement of any politician in either party here in Nebraska.”

Kleeb then firing back that Osborn, “Has told the Democratic party that he wants the party’s endorsement.”

Adding, Osborn is “going back on his word.”

Osborn: “I fully plan on being a true Independent.”

An Independent who won’t talk about this:

Joe Jordan: “Who you voting for, for President?”

Osborn: “Well I I haven't really decided yet I don't I don't think I've ever earned my vote at this point in time.”

Jordan: “When do you think you'll make that decision?”

Osborn: “Well it could be when I'm driving to the polls. 

Jordan: “You don't think the voters should know before that who you're voting for, for president?”

Osborn: “Well, I don't really understand why it's so important that people know who I'm voting for president, because I'm focused on this campaign, and I'm focused on getting in the United states Senate.”

Jordan: “Do you not want to say you who you might vote for, for President, because you alienate the other half?”

Osborn: “Well that, no, no not at all.”

Jordan: “Are you really undecided about who you're voting for president?”

Osborn: “Yeah. Why is that hard to believe. When I go out and talk to people, people are frustrated really with the two choices that we do have and I feel the same sentiment.”

As for his blow-up with the Democrats, they are now looking for a write-in candidate against Osborn and Fischer.