As Lt. Gov. Mike Foley was announcing his support for Statehouse hopeful Charles Herbster, the political fallout was hitting hard.

Foley’s boss, Gov. Pete Ricketts, is backing Jim Pillen for governor in the GOP’s May primary and was none too pleased with Foley’s pick, reportedly telling Foley he was “disappointed.”

[View our full video report above]

At the same time, Pillen also took a swing at Foley, claiming Foley asked to be Pillen's running mate. Pillen says he turned Foley down.

All this playing out in the State Capitol today, just down the hall from Ricketts' office, where Foley applauded Herbster—said he was "rock-solid pro-life"— but took a mere four questions.

NCN's Joe Jordan: "Mr. Foley, Mr. Pillen is saying that you came to him last year to be his Lt. Governor but he turned you down. So as to your endorsement today, is it sour grapes because you didn't get that job?"

Lt. Gov. Mike Foley: "I'll just say this. The Pillen campaign and other campaigns reached out to me and and that's fine. I'm flattered. I just decided Charles is the best choice.

NCN's Joe Jordan: "So he didn't turn you down?"

Lt. Gov. Mike Foley: "No, no." 

Herbster, who was described today by Ricketts as someone who bill be a "terrible governor," had nothing to say.

NCN's Joe Jordan: Mr. Herbster can you take a few questions?

Herbster walking away as we were told he would talk to reporters at a later date.

But we've been told that before.