
Nebraska Supreme Court pick three judges in case of Bellevue Sonic shooter

The Nebraska Supreme Court has picked three judges in the case of Roberto Carlos Silva Jr. who is being charged for the Bellevue Sonic shooting in 2020.
Roberto Carlos Silva Jr. pleaded guilty to many charges including first-degree murder and first-degree arson

OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - The Nebraska Supreme Court has picked three judges in the case of Roberto Carlos Silva Jr. who pleaded guilty to many charges including first-degree murder and first-degree arson in connection to the Bellevue Sonic shooting in 2020.

The three judges are Bryan Meismer, District Court Judge for the 6th District, Michael Piccolo, District Court Judge for the 11th Judicial District, and Nathan Cox as presiding judge according to court documents.

Court documents further state the judges were selected at random.

The ruling of the judges came out on March 11 but it was released Wednesday.