A personally somewhat stormy summer for a top Omaha city official appears to be ending quietly. 

City Councilwoman Juanita Johnson's ex-boyfriend had planned to seek a second protection order against Johnson after a judge threw out the first order.

But nearly two months have passed, no new order is being pursued and the attorney for the ex-boyfriend has not responded to News Channel Nebraska's request for comments while Johnson has refused to answer any specific accusations.

View our full video report above and check back for a complete transcript.


NCN’s Joe Jordan: Ms. Johnson, you know the allegations from Mr. LeFlore that you harassed him and threw things at him. Any of those things true?

(Revised Track) LeFlore, who tells NCN he’s married, claims in an Omaha Police domestic violence report, which lists Johnson as a “suspect” that in June Johnson went to LeFlore’s north side clothing shop and tried, as she has before, to “restart the relationship…refused to leave” and although she missed, she “threw a large candle” at him.

That led a few days later to LeFlore’s request for a protection order complaining Johnson, “acts crazy” toward him.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: Has Councilwoman Johnson been doing this for quite some time in your view?

LeFlore: For years.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: For years she’s been harassing you?

LeFlore: Yes, and it’s only gotten worse. You would think someone would get the message.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: Is she your ex-girlfriend?

LeFlore: We had a relationship.

Fred Franklin (Johnson’s attorney): “There’s always two sides to a story…and I can assure you that what Ms. Johnson has suggested to me occurred, wouldn’t be matching up and correlating what’s in Mr. LeFlore’s affidavit.

NCN’s Joe Jordan: Ms. Johnson, would you agree with that?

Councilwoman Johnson: I have no comment. Thank you.

(Revised Track) LeFlore’s attorney told NCN that LeFlore, who filled out his original complaint without a lawyer, still doesn’t feel safe, would file for another protection order, that would be the subject of a new hearing.

But nothing’s been refiled.

And in the meantime, Johnson finally spoke up, sort of.

Issuing a statement that she plans to “take the high road” has “no intention of having any contact” with LeFlore and hopes he does not “initiate any contact with me (her).”

As for that incident at LeFlore’s clothing shop, it was initially the subject of an investigation by the Douglas County Attorney’s office, which has repeatedly refused to comment to NCN about the case.