New vote totals keep NE Republicans from potentially filibuster-proof majority

It’s all but official, Nebraska Republicans have been prevented from acquiring the 33-votes needed to garner a potentially filibuster-proof majority in the Legislature.
According to the latest numbers out of Omaha, Democrat John Fredrickson has defeated Republican Stu Dornan in District 20, an area made up of many neighborhoods surrounding Westside High School.
On Election Day, Dornan led by 122 votes, but a few days later as more early votes were counted, Fredrickson led by 69 votes.
With this afternoon’s additional numbers, Fredrickson leads by 82 votes: 8,139-8,057.
Today’s votes are made up of provisional ballots.
Technically the results are not final until a complete canvass is completed next Wednesday; a recount is not out of the question.