Nowhere fast.

Those two words have marked the last three months of the Nebraska Legislature, ground to a halt by filibusters backed up by one rule maneuver after another.

Now there’s a move to change at least one of the rules, ending at least one of the delaying tactics.

As liberal lawmakers have used the rules to slow down key conservative pieces of legislation, most significantly one targeting transgender individuals, at least one conservative lawmaker is fighting back.

State Sen. Steve Erdman is pushing a rule change Tuesday that would stop his opponents from making one 10-minute kill-a-bill speech after another, only to in effect say, “just kidding.”

The magic words, “I withdraw my motion,” heard time and again Thursday but not before eating up valuable time in the Legislature.

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The transgender bill which started this filibuster fight would prohibit gender altering procedures, including surgeries, for anyone under the age of 19.

The bill took a slow step forward Thursday but is far from a done deal.